Sustainability in Finiture
Finiture has understood the concept of sustainability in its multidimensionality: environmental, social and governance. For this reason, it undertakes to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles into its corporate policies. The goal is the Sustainability Report - even if not currently mandatory - a necessary investment not only for the good of the environment and society, but also for the future of the company and of the people who allow every day its existence.
Many actions have already been taken in this sense:
- Partnership with the consortium LEGNOLEGNO for the second consecutive year, in order to spread the importance of the Green Window (Finestra+) to manufacturers;
- Analysis of competitors and adoption of good practices;
- Product and process innovations: low energy consumption systems that use advanced filtration techniques to allow total or partial recycling of the air and therefore of the thermal energy. Reduction of electrical power thanks to both the recycling of the air and the reduction of the flow rates in the cabins and drying tunnels. Latest generation anthropomorphic robots with sophisticated control software that allow perfect application with considerable product savings; water treatment systems that make both recycling and disposal possible with minimal burden on the central purification systems; use of paint products with low environmental impact; supervisory software that allows total management of both processes and lines and allows operators to intervene promptly in case of anomalies or simply for ordinary maintenance.
- Creation of a "Sustainability" section on Finiture’s website, containing articles on Sustainability;
- Inclusion in the workforce of a figure who specifically deals with corporate sustainability;
- Creation of a "Used" section on the website for the resale of used but still efficient systems ("regenerated" systems);
- Drafting of an environmental performance self-certification for a Nordic customer by calculating the following parameters: CO2 emissions, CO2 intensity, total recordable accident rate.
There are still many actions to be taken:
- Carbon Footprint Certification in collaboration with the University of Bergamo
- Analysis of customers by size and geographical area to understand the certifications to which they are or will be subject (certifications that could also require such a commitment from suppliers);
- Preparation of a Sustainability Report that takes into account all ESG aspects
- More articles in the Sustainability section of Finiture’s website
- Relating to sustainability on Finiture's social networks (Linkedin)
- Product and process innovations