The frame as the focal point of the house, from an increasingly green perspective
From the creation of Finiture in the early 80s, born Mizar in the 50s, to today, many years have passed and above all there has been a great evolution. Mizar had started from compressors for service stations, it passed through the production of machines and systems for metal and wood painting for the production of furniture and chairs. Finiture, at the end of the 80s, focuses on the finishing of windows and doors. Meanwhile the market has changed, the technology has evolved. At the end of the first decade of the 2000s Finiture installed the first anthropomorphic robots, dedicated to the automatic painting of windows but also of large-surface products such as CLT and DLT. At the beginning of the second decade, Finiture geared up to complete the entire window and door supply chain with the production of assembly machinery. In short, we have not been to watch.
Despite all these changes, the frame has always remained at the center of Finiture's business, especially now, the use of which has become increasingly impressive in terms of size and more important for energy savings.
First of all, the frames are divided into internal and external. External doors and windows protect the inside of a building from bad weather, atmospheric agents and possible tampering, therefore they must be more robust than internal doors and windows: they include doors, gates, and windows of various types. Internal doors and windows are almost always hinged or sliding doors. They can be built in different wood types, it also depends on the final finishing.
The main functions of a frame remain:
• ensure safety and protection for the inhabitants of a domestic context, also promoting their privacy
• insulate the house from the outside, protecting it from noise from break-ins and from the effect of atmospheric agents
• regulate the amount of light and heat in the house
• allow the exchange of air inside a room
• dividing or connecting several rooms
• make it possible to move from one room to another.
Doors, french windows and windows are among the main causes of heat loss in a building. According to some estimates, windows and doors can account for up to almost 30% of the waste for air conditioning in a home. In addition to being precious for comfort, therefore, windows play a fundamental role in saving energy. To avoid unnecessary increases in bills, therefore, it is advisable to choose energy-saving fixtures. Let's find out what it is and how it improves the thermal performance of a building.
Energy-saving frames are frames that insulate from heat and cold up to four times more than conventional windows, improving the distribution of the ambient temperature and helping to create an ideal climate inside the room in which they are installed.
Energy-saving frames have three major advantages:
• improve the energy efficiency of buildings;
• reduce costs for heating and cooling;
• reduce gas emissions.
The frames can be made of different materials: aluminium, PVC and wood, each with its own characteristics. Wood is aesthetically still the most popular material today, it coordinates well with furnishing elements and coverings. Yes, it has less resistance to atmospheric agents and therefore a theoretically lower durability than aluminum and PVC, but the production companies have found excellent solutions to this by using more suitable and better worked woods, but above all by using highly protective painting cycles using Extremely weather resistant water based. In this context, the quality of application of the product and therefore of the machinery used for this purpose becomes fundamental for the durability of the frame and Finiture, with its technologies, is a fundamental partner for manufacturers of wooden frames. Wood is a natural insulator both thermally and acoustically.
A good frame keeps out the cold but also the heat and combined with new generation glass (windows, in fact, significantly improve the degree of thermal and acoustic insulation thanks to double and triple glazing. Besides obviously the aesthetics) it ensures an excellent coefficient sound-insulating. Unlike PVC, wood, being a natural material, guarantees excellent performance in terms of thermal transmittance and, at the same time, good breathability of the building.
Frames can make all the difference in the energy efficiency of a building. Europe is aiming for decarbonisation in the coming decades and, to do this, it is essential to act on all the sectors with the most impact. Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings allows us to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, the consumption of resources and energy and allows us to live better and more sustainably.